Whether it’s falling out with a co-worker, struggling to reach a deadline or having to cope with unexpected team changes - we’ve all faced challenges at work. And while they are an unavoidable part of our lives, they can have a negative impact on the mental health of employees if they don’t have the right ‘mental toolset’ to deal with them.
Recent research shows that 1 in 6.8 people experience mental health problems in the workplace and almost 13% of all sickness absence days in the UK can be attributed to mental health conditions.
The best way to help your team deal with stressful situations and develop a growth mindset is to offer resilience training courses. Here’s why.
Resilience training for employees: 4 key benefits
It reframes failures
Sometimes things don’t go the way we want them to go, no matter how much dedication and hard work we put into them.
If your employee has a particular fixed mindset, it’s easy for them to quickly jump the gun and see themselves as a failure. And because failure is a painful truth to swallow, the human brain will begin to fear it, doing whatever it can to avoid it happening again in the future.
But the truth is, we’ve all failed at some point in our lives, and failing is a painful but necessary path to growth and learning important life lessons. The fundamental problem, however, is not organisational but rather systemic due to the perfectionist expectations present in Western culture.
But the power to change this lies with the individual, and the trick is to reframe how our brains see failure in order to help them process unpleasant feelings and rationally assess the situation in a helpful way. Psychological safety is the single most critical ingredient to achieve greater resilience in the workplace.
That’s why we have dedicated not one but two models of our Future Minds programme to developing psychological safety and learning how to fail. The sessions will teach your team three simple techniques for creating psychological safety, creating awareness about why, as humans, we fear failure, and providing practical tools to reframe failure as a step closer to success.
It improves employee collaboration
There’s no point denying it: employee collaboration is one of the key drivers of organisational success. In fact, a Stanford study found that even the mere perception of working collectively on a task can supercharge employee performance. Collaboration allows individuals to use their individual talents and abilities to create more efficient processes, find better ways to problem solve and drive more innovation, to name a few.
But the benefits of collaboration are not just felt on an organisational level. Roughly 75% of employees regard collaboration and teamwork as important as it contributes a huge deal to feeling psychologically safe. Collaboration is the key to a more transparent, productive, and happier working environment. To drive this productivity it is important for teams to spend time understanding each other on a deeper level - a key component of any resilience training.
Our module ‘Collaboration & Connection’ focuses on just that: understanding yourself and those you work with in new ways to help encourage growth, foster meaningful connections and increase productivity.
It builds authenticity and confidence
Feeling like you are able to be your authentic self, and speak up for what you believe in, is a trait that leads to greater happiness in both our personal and professional lives. To do this, employees need to build confidence in a safe environment.
And feeling more confident can help with all sorts of workplace challenges by helping to reduce stress and improving our problem-solving abilities. Nearly 98% of workers questioned in a study said they perform better when they feel confident, which makes sense given that many foundational workplace skills, including work ethic, are driven by confidence. And 96% of respondents said they are more likely to stay at a company when they feel confident.
If you’re keen to learn more about the benefits of building authenticity and confidence amongst your employees, our resilience training programme Future Minds shares tips and tricks to help your team build confidence and improve authenticity while discussing ways to develop a psychologically safe team culture.
It enhances team communication
We’ll let the stats do the talking here: effective communication generates 4.5 times higher talent retention, results in nearly 70% of employees feeling more productive and encourages 89% of employees to recommend their place of work to a friend. Team communication is a crucial element in establishing great teamwork, more job satisfaction and improved company culture.
But not all communication is easy, especially when more difficult (but important) conversations need to be had. Resilience training will help managers feel more comfortable addressing the elephant in the room, while simultaneously helping employees learn from these conversations instead of allowing the dreaded sense of failure to set in.
That’s why our ‘Powerful Communication’ session focuses on developing capabilities around uncomfortable conversations and teaches the strength and capacity to remove the emotion for those on the receiving end.
Foster a growth mindset for employees
The one constant thing you can always rely on is change and, in our relentless and ever-evolving world, it is only happening at an ever more expedient rate.
Building resilience amongst your employees will help foster more growth, learning and development to help your team learn to bend, rather than break, during difficult times.
And that’s exactly why here at PUSH, we’ve been collaborating with employees, organisations and life coaches to offer our groundbreaking Future Minds programme.
Made up of a series of workshops, the programme’s content has been carefully considered, starting with a foundational understanding of psychological safety and building learnings across the key behaviours to cultivate a growth mindset, develop resilience and leave your team buzzing with positive energy.
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